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Alfredo Salazar-CaroMX

Alfredo Salazar-Caro<sup>MX</sup>
Alfredo Salazar-Caro

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

After graduating from the Art Institute of Chicago, Alfredo began experimenting with portraiture, sculpture and video, soon finding in emerging technologies a means to hybridize and expand these disciplines. From this space, Alfredo has developed his own language that has led him to exhibit globally in spaces such as the Whitney Museum and The Wrong Biennale in São Paulo. Together with William Robertson, Salazar-Caro co-founded DiMoDa, Museo Digital de Arte Digital, an innovative project that functions as a virtual institution and a VR exhibition platform dedicated to the promotion and distribution of digital art.


Transmedia artist Alfredo Salazar-Caro, who uses image, installation, VR and culture to simulate dreamlike spaces.


In parallel to artistic creation, Salazar-Caro maintains a research into digital culture and post-digital practices that includes essays, a cyber library and more pedagogical resources.