Marta Minguell
<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Marta Minguell is a digital visual artist. Her profession consists of communicating stories, ideas, and other information through various visual media and whose practice is based on the use of technology as part of the creative process.
Marta has exhibited audiovisual installations at MUTEK Festival 2020, 080 Barcelona Fashion Week 2020, Mostra Sonora Convent Sant Agusti 2020 and Llum BCN 2021 with the BAU university. She worked on Monica Rikic's installation "New Home Of Mind" exhibited at Ars Electronica 2020 and on Summalab's "Persopectiva" light installation at Llum BCN 2019. She has also put visuals as VJ in Abaixadors 10, Elektropical Club, N8, La Fabrica de Hielo in Valencia, Teorema Festival, Fashion Week Barcelona 2020 and for the collectives Mamboz, Freak The L'Afrique, Noctarium, Edelfaul and the dj's Carla Valenti, Lvcha, Sonikgroove, Palosanto, Loli Zazou, among others.