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Stéphanie MorissetteCA/QC

Stéphanie Morissette<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Stéphanie Morissette

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Sherbrooke-based artist Stéphanie Morissette combines illustrative, architectural and visual storytelling with technology. Her work approaches conflictual relationships between humans, nature and technology from the past, present and future. She touches on psychology, biotechnology, post-colonialism and decolonisation while underlining the complex power dynamics each actor has. Her ecofeminist approach is tinted with bits of dark humor, thus inviting participants in an open dialogue on different political topics. In each of her projects, Morissette proposes a narrative either fragmented or whole of the perverted nature of anthropocentrism.

The artist holds a bachelor’s degree in Art History and Studio Art from Concordia University, a Diploma of Superior Studies (DESS) in Artistic International Cooperation from the University of Paris-VIII and a Certificate in Film Scenario from UQAM University. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and festivals internationally such as 22e Rencontres Traverse Video, Toulouse, France (2019); the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), Hong Kong (2016); Women Make Waves Film and Video Festival, Taiwan (2011); and the 10th International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Istanbul (2007). She has taken part in artistic residencies in Europe, including Iceland, Finland and Germany.


Sherbrooke-based artist and researcher Stéphanie Morissette, combining feminism and dark humor in her political discourse.


In 2018, the artist participated in a 3-month residency at Imeka, a brain-imaging company, which resulted in the creation of Méandres.


In 2017, she received the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) Prize - Artwork of the Year - Eastern Townships, for her exhibition Troubled Forest.
