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Josée BrouillardCA/QC

Josée Brouillard<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Josée Brouillard

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Based in Montréal, new media artist Josée Brouillard explores the various ways in which images can be presented through light. Currently a master’s candidate at Université du Québec à Montréal, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Concordia University and two college degrees, in theatre production and photography. Her artistic practice offers spectators a visual experience that differs from mainstream technologies; a fan of low-fi and DIY, she builds her own instruments, dismantling or modifying devices and electronic components in order to transform their output. She presented works in Québec (OBORO, Ada X, Biennale internationale d’art numérique, Eastern Bloc, La Bande Vidéo and in many Maisons de la culture) and abroad, namely at the InShadow Festival in Lisbon, Portugal. Her artwork Video Sequence for Prepared Monitor (2013) is part of the city of Montréal’s permanent collection.


Montréal-based new media artist and technical director Josée Brouillard employs light as the central element of her art.


Knowing full well that the end of the world will be caused by humans, 5 4 3 2 1 offers spectators the opportunity to press the proverbial red button.


Josée Brouillard regularly hosts workshops aimed at both children and adults, helping them create light devices while learning notions of electricity, electronics and optics.
