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Gabber Modus Operandi x Rimbawan Gerilya x Siko SetyanID

Gabber Modus Operandi x Rimbawan Gerilya x Siko Setyan<sup>ID</sup>
Gabber Modus Operandi x Rimbawan Gerilya x Siko Setyan

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Gabber Modus Operandi is an Indonesian project expanding the sound of gabber music with elements taken from both the local pop music genre of dangdut koplo and traditional jathilan trance rituals. Gabber Modus Operandi combines frenetic music with equally intense performance, with DJ Kasimyn keeping the tempo around 200 bpm and Ican Harem screaming and thrashing, part rapper, part grindcore vocalist. All with a healthy dose of dark humour.