Due to last week’s earthquake in the City and other states in Mexico, we are reconfiguring and redesigning the festival. After considering and assessing all the options, we have decided to reschedule the 14th edition from November 22-26.
We are aware of everything this entails for our audience. We are currently reconfirming artists and carefully checking the safety of our venues, which is of utmost importance. All changes and notices will be announced via our webpage and social networks. Any other questions or concerns, please contact us through our customer service: atencionaclientes@mutek.mx.
As we mentioned in our previous statement, we would like to underline the importance of adding to the efforts of reconstruction, whether donating in goods or cash. We invite you to contribute to the collection centers announced on our social media. We will also be sharing different initiatives from our media partners and collaborators.
For those outside Mexico, the best way to help is by donating to the Mexican Red Cross and the social initiative Omaze. Donations are deeply appreciated.
Our hearts and thoughts remain with everyone who has been affected.
Please also check:
Q: I tried to buy tickets but the link has been deactivated. What do I do?
A: Due the past earthquake of September 19th, the ticket sale has been temporarily suspended.
Q: Is my ticket still valid even if the dates changed?
A: All tickets (Very Special Early Birds, Passports, Passes and Individual tickets) are still valid for the new dates. We recommend you keeping up with our social media for further information.
Q: I cannot go to the festival. What can I do with my ticket?
A: If you cannot attend the festival and wish to have a refund, you need to send an email here: atencionaclientes@mutek.mx. It would be helpful if you could briefly explain the reason for our own records. Also, you can sell your ticket through Stubhub’s Official Marketplace. Check it out here: https://www.stubhub.com.mx/sellers
Q: Are the venues where the events take place safe?
A: Yes. All the venues will have the appropriate verification made by specialists to guarantee the safety of our audience during the events.
Q: Which artists are confirmed for the festival?
A: The majority of the talent is being reconfirmed and we are checking the venues. We advise you to keep an eye for our webpage and social networks.
UPDATE: The confirmed artists up until October 9 for the new dates of the festival are
Squarepusher (UK) / Alva Noto pres. UNEQAV (DE) / The Orb (UK+DE) / Telefon Tel Aviv (US) / Nina Kraviz (RU) / Tim Hecker (CA/QC) / Dark Sky (UK) / Lorenzo Senni (IT) / Equiknoxx (JM) / Thomas Fehlmann (DE) / Emptyset (UK) / Kettenkarussell (DE) / Max Cooper & Maotik pres. Hyperform (UK+CA/QC) / Steve Hauschildt (US) / Rafael Anton Irisarri (US) / Leafar Legov (DE) / Magnanime (CA/QC) / Woulg & Push 1 stop pres. Interpolate (CA/QC) / Orphan Ann (SE) / Alexandre Burton & Julien Roy (artificiel) pres. Three Pieces With Titles (CA/QC) / Diagraf, Ewerx & Wiklow pres. Liquid Architecture (CA/QC) / Devin Fleenor pres. S.E.E.D. (US) / LCC (ES) / Lucas Paris pres. Antivolume In/Ext (CA/QC) / Upgrayedd Smurphy (MX) / The Sight Below (US) / Ensamble Translaciones por Gabo Barranco (MX) / No Light & /*pac pres. Arise (MX) / Baya (CA/QC) / Humberto Polar & Mike Sandoval (PE+MX) / Musique Nouvelle (CA/QC) / CNDSD (MX) / Klik & Frik (AR) / Egroj (MX) / Isaac Soto (MX) / Jadir Zárate (MX) / Lucas Gutierrez (AR) / Edgar Mondragón (MX) / Practice (MX) / INTUS (MX) / Cocay (MX) & +
Keep an eye on our social media for new confirmations.
Q: When will the new program go out?
A: Very soon. For the time being, we are checking every detail of our program to make sure that all the planned activities can be properly done, while guaranteeing the safety of our audience during the events. We strongly advise you to check our webpage and social networks for further information.
UPDATE: We can confirm that the Nocturne programs will take place at the Fábrica, on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November and the Closing on the Museo Tamayo on Sunday 26.