Montréal, 10月 21, 2019
Network Billboard list

MUTEKLIVE202 - Chloe Alexandra Thompson

202 Chloe Alexandra Thompson 900x670

Chloe Alexandra Thompson (CA/US) — Morié

Nocturne 2 - August 21, 2019. Canadian premiere
Mastered by Pheek (audioservices.studio)

Appears as part of Amplify
Amplify is led by the British Council, MUTEK and Somerset House Studios, with the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

Who: Cree, Canadian sound artist Chloe Alexandra Thompson, currently living in Portland, Oregon, and Portland-based multidisciplinary artist Matt Henderson Style: Enveloping frequencies, multi-channel sound spatialization, immersive live-rendered 3D interference patterns Latest: Morié (2019) More: When Thompson performed her work Morié as a subwoofer-only composition at Portland's Variform Gallery, she used synthesis to tune the piece to over 120DB, effectively turning dishes in the kitchen into snare drums and popping balloons with bass

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