MUTEKLIVE202 - Chloe Alexandra Thompson
Chloe Alexandra Thompson (CA/US) — Morié
Nocturne 2 - August 21, 2019. Canadian premiere
Mastered by Pheek (
Appears as part of Amplify
Amplify is led by the British Council, MUTEK and Somerset House Studios, with the support of Canada Council for the Arts.
Who: Cree, Canadian sound artist Chloe Alexandra Thompson, currently living in Portland, Oregon, and Portland-based multidisciplinary artist Matt Henderson Style: Enveloping frequencies, multi-channel sound spatialization, immersive live-rendered 3D interference patterns Latest: Morié (2019) More: When Thompson performed her work Morié as a subwoofer-only composition at Portland's Variform Gallery, she used synthesis to tune the piece to over 120DB, effectively turning dishes in the kitchen into snare drums and popping balloons with bass