3月 09, 2018
Sau Poler (BCN)
Friday August 25, 2017 - Esplanade de la Place des Arts
Mastered by Pheek
Who: Barcelona-based Pau Soler Medina
Style: Hazy, balearic house and downtempo
Labels: Atomnation
Latest: Memorabilia (2016)
More: A graduate of Tokyo’s Red Bull Music Academy
MUTEKs: Barcelona: 2015, 2017
Organic and optimistic with a tinge of melancholic wistfulness, Sau Poler's music feels bright, modern and intimate. Grooving basslines, shuffling beats, and taut samples coalesce around a unified sound that melds house, pop, R&B and techno into a fluid and distinct feeling, one that also imparts a nostalgic twinge and uncanny but reassuring sense of déjà vu.
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