Open Call: Becas MIMTEK destinadas al desarrollo del talento femenino en la música

We join forces with the association MIM (Women in the Music Industry) and The Bass Valley in an initiative that aims to promote the inclusion and development of female talent in the music industry, with the joint launch of a new scholarship program designed to boost the motivation of students and amateur or semi-professional music producers.
Between the three organizations, we will award 100 scholarships to study the Diploma in Music Production and Sound Online ( ) taught by The Bass Valley, with a duration of 2 academic years, to those amateur, semi-professional or student producers who intend to enter, or who want to continue their progression in the music industry. The selected candidates will receive a scholarship for 50% of the cost of the diploma course. In addition, 5 scholarships for 100% of the course will be awarded to those students who demonstrate, during the duration of the diploma, maximum involvement, as well as an extra capacity to assimilate the concepts and an additional potential to stand out as producers or industry professionals.
Any student, amateur or semi-professional producer willing and determined to forge a professional career in the music industry, in any of the aspects covered in the syllabus of the Diploma in Online Music and Sound Production course, regardless of age or country of residence, may apply.
For the selection, it is necessary that the candidates send to the address their letter of motivation, along with their personal data to be able to contact them or otherwise fill out the registration form on the website .
The period for registration and submission of motivation letters, with their professional projects if they have them, will run from March 1 to June 31, 2021, or until the maximum quota of 100 scholarships is exhausted.
The diploma course is designed to be completed in 2 years, in asynchronous and universal format, that is, students can enter at any time and from anywhere, in online format and with access to the community in the virtual campus, with discussion forums and direct attention from the teaching team.
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At the end of the Diploma in Music Production and Online Sound, MIM will select from among the participating students the most notable profiles and with greater professional projection to deliver their projects, with the possibility of participating in events and concerts organized by the association.
On the other hand, MUTEK ES, in alliance with MUTEK Argentina, offers 100 free accesses to the "MUTEK Gender and Diversity Symposium: a future without gender" to be held on April 21 and 22 on its online platform. Female students will be able to create a professional profile or booth within the platform, valued at 300€, in which they can present themselves and network with other professional profiles or companies and institutions, as well as have the opportunity to attend talks on gender diversity in the music sector.
Finally, in 2022 a joint LP will be released by The Bass Valley, MIM and MUTEKES, which will be distributed on the main digital platforms with a selection of tracks created by the scholarship students.
The MIM Association, MUTEK ES and The Bass Valley, together with the institutions that support its educational project, contribute financially with an endowment valued at 50,000 € to enable students who provide excellent motivation to carry out their studies on the platform.
MUTEK ES Agenda 2025

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