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The Bionic HarpistUS/QC

The Bionic Harpist<sup>US/QC</sup>
The Bionic Harpist

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

For this year’s festival edition, Alex Tibbitts’ performance The Bionic Harpist is the result of a 4-week residency at Quebec City’s Avatar arts centre, in collaboration with MUTEK Festival. Working with John Sullivan, music technology researcher and Ph.D candidate at McGill University, Tibbitts has created a bionic harp designed for her haptic explorations, bound to offer a highly physical and visually captivating performance. Moreover, her personalized control interface will also allow her to modify visual elements, resulting in an impressive 1-person live A/V show.


Californian-born, Montréal-based Alex Tibbitts, harpist and researcher for new gestural and computer-driven approaches to harp performance.


Cuchabata Records


Post.Variations (2019) - Ensemble ILÉA


Tibbitts joined the Orchestre de l’Agora as a production coordinator in February 2019, which offered the first orchestra concert in front of an audience in North America after the Canadian Government-issued confinement. The performance was dedicated to health care workers.
