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Suzanne CianiUS

Suzanne Ciani<sup>US</sup>
Suzanne Ciani

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

After almost five decades into her career, Suzanne Ciani's sonic creativity feels like an infinitely expanding wave. This inexhaustible capacity to imagine has made Ciani a pioneer in every sense of the word: she escaped from the academy and the classical to explore machines and innovation; she opened new spaces in the music industry when there was no place for female producers or synthesizers and she started a whole niche for electronic music within pop culture through commercials, soundtracks and sounds for household appliances and video games.

And while breaking all these glass ceilings, Ciani has composed more than 20 albums where she transforms the sound of machines into magical environments full of sensoriality. 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of her debut album, Seven Waves, which she is celebrating with a series of concerts alongside her inseparable Buchla 200 modular in very special venues around the world, including MUTEK MX Edition 20.


Composer, audio designer and electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani performs live in Mexico for the first time.


Seventh Wave, Finders Keepers


Buchla Concerts 1975 (Finders Keepers, 2024)


With concerts and reissues, this year Ciani celebrates the 40th anniversary of her signature album Seven Waves.