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<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

K’iin; Wóolis – K ‘áak, is a reinterpretative project of the CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS of the sun, using databases generated by NASA’s LASCO ** project, with the aim of creating an audiovisual piece of generative art in real time, which is modulated by the data that have been recorded since 1996 until 2023. From the Solar North, a measurement of the Central Position Angle [ º ] (Central P.A) is made in a counter-clockwise direction, from that average, the Width Angle is measured. These data are essential to make the changes to a particle system that refer to coronal mass ejections.

The data used are: First C2 Appearance Date, Time (UT), Central Position Angle, Angular Width, Linear Speed (km/s), Acceleration (m/s2) & Mass (gram)

K’iin (sun) – Wóolis (Circles) – K ’áak (Fire) ( Mayan Lenguage )** the LASCO (Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph) — is a set of three «coronagraph» telescopes on-board the SOHO satellite. A coronagraph is a special type of telescope that uses a solid disk («occulter» or «occulting disk») to actually cover up the Sun itself, completely blocking direct sunlight, and allowing us to see the atmosphere around the outside of the Sun (known as the «corona»).