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Meagan ByrneCA

Meagan Byrne<sup>CA</sup>
Meagan Byrne

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Meagan Byrne is an Apihtawikosisân (Métis of Ontario) new media artist and game designer born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario. Since 2014, she has been creating digital interactive works heavily influenced by both traditional RPG video games and Woodland Style art as well as stories she heard growing up. Her designs incorporate narrative, game mechanics, sound and traditional art deeply rooted in indigenous futurism, language and indigenous feminist theory. She sees her work as a constant struggle to navigate the complexities of indigenous identity within a deeply colonized system. Meagan uses her work to explore questions of cultural belonging, the indigenization of media and the future of indigenous language and culture.


Canadian new media artist Meagan Byrne, gathering her knowledge in literature and game design to craft her interactive artworks.


Byrne developed a full-moon experience titled A Night Call, inviting users in a contemplative natural realm.


The artist is the current lead designer of Achimostawinan Games, an Indigenous-run and staffed indie game studio.
