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Leon LouderCA/QC

Leon Louder<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Leon Louder

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Leon Louder is a Canadian composer and music producer active since 2003. He makes chaotic, evocative, and celebratory music for paranoid times, incorporating unorthodox sounds and irregular rhythms. Using customized machines, and more recently, handmade acoustic instruments, Louder’s work is populated with percussive oddities, interlocking micro-melodies, and eccentric rhythmic programming, as well as spontaneous manipulation of recorded acoustic sound in real time. After his early output, with its nods to disco and rhythmic invention, he became increasingly attracted to the experimental, improvised electronic music cultures and the close knit DIY communities that connect them.
Staunchly independent, Louder has often relied on his own labels to release music without compromise. He founded the imprint Unfulfillment in 2014 to release his left field house experiments under the moniker Vertigo Inc, which has grown to become a notable local label for artists operating at the crossroads of underground dance and experimental music. His collaborators over the years have included rapper and beat-maker Socalled, sound artist Martin Rodriguez, and visual artist Chris Dorland. He also works as a sound designer, and A/V composer for television, video games, and installations.

Les Célébrations de l’entomophilie sont une série d’événements organisés par l’Insectarium de Montréal | Espace pour la vie afin de promouvoir la valorisation des insectes. Ces insectes, essentiels à l’équilibre de la nature, et donc à notre santé et mieux-être, deviennent ainsi source d’inspiration pour les créatrices et créateurs de différentes disciplines (gastronomie, art visuel, musique, danse, etc.) qui transmettent ensuite leurs découvertes, leur vision et leur enthousiasme au public.

Montréal-based composer and music producer Leon Louder, also known as Vertigo Inc.




You're Killing Me, Bro (Unfulfillment + Stranger Ways recordings, 2023)

Habitat (2022) w/ Scattered Ensemble

Mechanical Dances (2021)


He recently released You’re Killing Me Bro, a “deranged club mixtape” marrying frenzied rhythms with anarchic radiophonic collage.