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<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Alexandre Saunier is an artist and researcher, navigating the frontier of human perception and digital automation processes by studying their forms of correlation, interaction, and destabilization. His audiovisual compositions question the limits of the perceptible, combining sound design with Artificial Life algorithms, AI, and forms of live lighting. A graduate in Sound Design from ENS Louis Lumière (Paris), and a former researcher in Robotic Design and Interactive Lighting at ENS Arts Décoratifs (Paris), he is presently undertaking a Ph.D. at Concordia, studying live lighting practices within computational systems.

Marc-André Cossette is a digital artist and experimental media researcher interested in the sensorial interplay between live performance, moving bodies, and semi-autonomous algorithmic life. By recording movements with AI, Cossette infuses technology into choreography, to code and aestheticize the dancing body. After completing a Master's degree in Experimental Media at Université du Québec à Montréal, he is now pursuing an individualized PhD in the Fine Arts department at Concordia. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Hexagram network as a Programming Coordinator.


Based in Montreal, Alexandre Saunier and Marc-André Cossette are artists and doctoral researchers studying the relationship between automated systems, sound design, and the manifestations of the body.




Alexandre Saunier : SNN# 3: Forms of the Living (2020) SNN#2 : Light Prop after Moholy-Nagy (2020), SNN#1: The Speed of Thought Itself (2019)

Marc-André Cossette : Altérité Numérique (2019), Grey Area (2018), Temporalité Expressive (2017)


Alexandre Saunier was among 11 Concordia students to exhibit works at the Ars Electronica Festival 2018. Marc-André Cossette frequently collaborates with the dance industry to code and synthesize movement.
