MUTEK のカッティングエッジなアーティストをチェック

Gabriel RudAR

Gabriel Rud<sup>AR</sup>
Gabriel Rud

<span class="not-set">(未設定)</span>

Audiovisual artist who explores the possibilities of sculpture with digital media in Virtual Reality environments, photogrammetry and other techniques of morphological experimentation with technology. Specialist in Logic and Technique of Form and professor of Image and Sound Designer and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires. He obtained various awards and scholarships, among which the First Acquisition Prize of the National Salon in the category of new supports and installations in 2013 and the Scholarship of the National Fund for the Arts in the Audiovisual Media specialty stand out. For ten years he has collaborated with Daniel Melero in the staging of his live shows, graphics and video clips.

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