Anna Carreras
<span class="not-set">(未設定)</span>
Anna Carreras is a creative coder and digital artist interested in experimentation on interactive communication focusing her work on the use of generative algorithms, creative code and interactive technology as a means of communication and an experience generator.
She is interested on complexity that emerges from small simple behaviors, from the balance between order and chaos. She tries to capture the diversity and richness of complexity working with generative algorithms and visuals.
She develops interactive installations to explore new emerging narratives encouraging the audience to participate and promoting their collaboration. Interaction adds the human diverse behavior to the experience fostering richer outcomes.
She has developed interactive and digital installations for Cosmocaixa (Barcelona Science Museum), Llum Barcelona, Sónar Innovation Challenge 2016, MIRA Visual Arts Festival, Medialab Prado, Abandon Normal Devices Liverpool, among others, and she has exhibited her generative artworks at Feral File or Decentraland