Together with MUTEK JP, we announce the complete program of what will be our union as a hybrid festival from December 9 to 13, 2020. Both creative cities connect from the virtual platform of our network.
Focusing on a different approach with artists, the program explores new virtual dynamics to overcome the current physical disconnection. Through the convergence of
artistic communities of Japan and Mexico, we will exhibit more than 35 performances in 3 different rooms within the platform, an interactive gallery with 20 pieces of
virtual reality, artificial intelligence, audio and video. In addition to a listening room with continuous selections from the archives of the MUTEK network.
The Mexican-Japanese core can be enjoyed through the MUTEK Connect series that provides space for collaborations with the other Festival cities and our international partners: Insomnia Festival and Ekko Festival from Norway, the Moonshine collective from Montreal, TodaysArt from the Netherlands and B39 / PRECTXE from South Korea.
The live program will be broadcasted on the virtual platform from Wednesday 9 to Sunday 13 December 2020. Each performance will premiere in its respective time zone and will then be played according to the time zones of the 5 continents.
In order to develop sustainable models interested in renewing the appreciation and valuation of creative practice to benefit local artistic communities, as well as our extended networks of technicians, consultants, and cultural organizations, we are requesting a contribution of $10 USD to access the full Festival experience. Those curious to take a look at the virtual platform beforehand will be able to dive into the archive of MUTEK Montreal Edition 21, which will remain available for free until the beginning of December at
Virtual Plataform + Nocturne Passes 2021
Additionally, from 00:00 on Friday, November 27 to 23:59 on Monday, December 7, MUTEK Mexico will enable the exclusive sale of the first Nocturne Passes for its Edition 18 in 2021 along with the access to the virtual platform where this edition will be held in connection with MUTEK Japan over 5 days of virtual festival before closing 2020.
Find this exclusive package at the link below:

The central program of the activities of the virtual festival revolves around the union of these 2 artistic communities located in CDMX and Tokyo. From Wednesday, December 9 to Sunday, December 13, we will bring together 23 presentations with the best of both cities for a virtual party of audiovisuals, musical explorations and technological experiments:
傀儡神楽 ALTER the android KAGURA JP / AMNL PRNT & Valeria Vicente MX / CNDSD & Iván Abreu MX / Corey Fuller + Break Ensemble x Synichi Yamamoto US+JP / Daito Manabe JP / Edgar Mondragón & Erik López MX / Eiichi Sawado & Akiko Nakayama JP / Eiko Ishibashi & Jim O’Rourke JP+US / Isaac Soto & Federico Torres MX / Jiony & Sabme MX / Kafuka & Kezzardrix JP / Kyoka & Shohei Fujimoto JP / Le Fantom Onde MX / Mabe Fratti & Milena Pafundi GT+MX/AR / machìna KR/JP / Maika Loubté JP / Neutral (Fumitake Tamura & AOKI Takamasa) JP / Nohbords & AA MX / Open Reel Ensemble JP / Pepe Mogt MX / Wasted Fates & Future Forward MX / Yuri Urano & Manami Sakamoto JP
The second point of convergence is the virtual gallery, a large and innovative exhibition of local and international artists, former MUTEK collaborators, as well
as new talents for a digital art exhibition that critically reimagines our future in a post-pandemic world. Get ready for an exploration of pieces that use virtual reality, artificial intelligence, interactivity and sound as immersive media:
Ainslee Alem Robson US+JP / Akiko Yamashita JP / Alba G. Corral ES / Alex Czetwertynski US / Andy Martin MX / Elizabeth Ros RU / Florence To US / Jorge Suaret MX / Kaoru Tanaka JP / Lucas Gutierrez & Robert Lippok AR/DE / Marianela Fuentes MX / Omodaka JP / Sabrina Ratté CA/QC / Taras Mashtalir RU / Transgresorcorruptor & Ken-ichi Kawamura MX/JP / Takuma Nakata JP / THINK AND SENSE & Intercity-Express JP / VAA MX / Xochipeople RU/MX
And the programming is complemented by another installment of MUTEK Connect, a new opportunity to develop, experiment and consolidate a new model of digital interconnectivity based on the creative relationships between Tokyo, the other global branches of MUTEK and our international collaborators at Insomnia Festival and
Ekko Festival in Norway, the Moonshine collective from Montreal, TodaysArt in the Netherlands, as well as the B39 arts center and its associated festival PRECTXE in South Korea. Thanks to these fruitful alliances, the Connect series obtains an artistic value that, without a doubt, matches the creative delicacy of the central Mexican-Japanese program:
Balago ES / Elina Waage Mikalsen & Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali NO / hm505 & VJ mentalny jeż US+PL / Lars Horntveth & The BIT20 Ensemble NO / Moonshine CD/QC+CA/QC / Murcof & Sergi Palau MX/ES / Nelly-Eve Rajotte CA/QC / Porto Porto! CA/QC / Qoa & Joaquina S. AR / Super Heavy Metal NO / Tacobitch NO / Tarta Relena ES
Trois villes, trois festivals : MUTEK célèbre l'innovation en Argentine, au Chili et au Mexique

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