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Montréal, marzo 25, 2020
Lista Network Billboard

MUTEKLIVE227 - Flora Yin-Wong

227 Flora Ying Wong 900x670

Flora Yin-Wong @floraytw
Play 2
August 23, 2019
Mastered by @pheek (

London-born, Chinese-Malaysian multidisciplinary producer and DJ Flora Yin-Wong

Pulsating sonic watercolour palettes that synthesize natural sounds with synthetic club textures; music that prioritizes instincts over intention

@pan_hq, @purpletapepedigree, @caridadrecords

Appears as part of Amplify D.A.I.
Amplify D.A.I is led by the British Council, MUTEK and Somerset House Studios, with the support of Canada Council for the Arts.

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