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Andrea FaroppaUY/ES

Andrea Faroppa<sup>UY/ES</sup>
Andrea FaroppaUY/ES

Andrea is a professional in Cultural Management, Creative Economy, and Communications with over ten years of experience in bringing creative and innovative projects to life across the globe, from Uruguay to the UK, the USA, and Spain. Her expertise encompasses roles at major industry names such as Live Nation Entertainment, TEDx, and Sónar, where she has spearheaded projects like TEDx, NewCo, and Sónar+D. Beyond her creative prowess, Andrea is highly experienced in managing European collaborative projects and fostering multidisciplinary initiatives. Since 2013, she has been based in Barcelona, currently serving as the Head of Sónar+D and Strategic Projects at Sónar. There, alongside a talented team of professionals, she turns visionary concepts into tangible successes by seamlessly blending creativity with strategic thinking.