Image: Gabber Modus Operandi x Rimbawan Gerilya x Siko Setyan
For the second year in a row, MUTEK Connect is renewing this model of digital interconnectivity based on the multiple and strengthened cultural connections existing between the MUTEK headquarters in Montréal, Mexico City, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Dubai. The objective is to offer artists, promoters and cultural organizations - from each city - the opportunity to reach a wider audience, to offer greater visibility to their artistic community, to establish professional ties through collaborative activities and opportunities for exhibition and professionalization offered by the platform.
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In addition to the five cities that are part of the MUTEK network, five other partners will be taking part in the virtual version of the MUTEK Montréal Festival: the Chapelle XIV (France) arts center and the PRECTXE festival of Bucheon Art Bunker B39 (South Korea) for a second year as well as the Sundeck (Chile) event platform and the avant-garde festivals CTM (Germany) and Insomnia (Norway).
In total, 15 programs bringing together 36 eclectic performances to the Festival's online live broadcast experience from Tuesday, August 24 to Sunday, September 5, 2021, on
Note: a Replay room will offer the contents available on demand until September 30th.
Connect MUTEK.AE
Idlefon & Amir B. Ash IR — COLDSTREAM A/V
Connect MUTEK.AR
Jorge Savoretti & VJ/JT AR Las Olas AR Nico Sorin & Efe Ce Ele AR+CO/AR
Connect MUTEK.ES
Clothilde PT Marta De Pascalis IT T.Gowdy CA/QC
Connect MUTEK.JP
Eiko Ishibashi & Jim O'Rourke JP FUJI||||||||||||TA JP Tamanaramen JP — Water Ritual
Unknown Me JP
Connect MUTEK.MX
CNDSD & Ivan Abreu MX Edgar Mondragón & Erik López MX Mathew Jonson & Cocolab CA+MX
AVR010 & PRIFMA AR KENYA20Hz BR — It Was All A Dream
Connect Chapelle XIV with the support of the Consulat général de France à Québec
Deena Abdelwahed TN/FR Tryphème FR Voiski FR
Connect CTM
Gabber Modus Operandi x Rimbawan Gerilya x Siko Setyan ID — MBELEDOSSS! (EXPLODE!) Jump Cut #1 (Tot Onyx, Sonya Stefan, Dana Gingras) CA/QC+DE/JP Jump Cut #2 (Marie Davidson, Sabrina Ratté, Dana Gingras) CA/QC+QC/FR Jump Cut #3 (Austin Young, Alaska Thunderfuck, Willam Belli, Laganja Estranja, Peaches, Dana Gingras) CA/QC+US Jump Cut #4 (Lucrecia Dalt, Aina Climent, Judit J. Ferrer, Miguel Prado)CA/QC
Connect Insomnia
Sofie Birch DK Tadleeh IT
IVAAIU City KR — Transcendental Reality Kohui KR BAKÁH NL/KR — Morphology of [ __ ]
Connect Sundeck
Alisú & André Baradit CL Dandy Jack and the Éléphant Lab CL Fm Live & Checa CL LOVSHAI & Microclimas CL Merci Marco & Esteban Fuica CL paltamango & Microclimas CL Rubio Hybrid & Trimex CL VGV & Checa CL
Video: JUMP CUT #3

Thank you for being part of MUTEK MX Edition 20 x DEFENDER

MUTEK MX Edition 20: Third confirmations
Three Cities, Three Festivals: MUTEK Celebrates Innovation in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico

MUTEK on tour: Sonica Festival in Glasgow