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UNKNOWN ME<sup>JP</sup>

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

The ambient quartet consists of the composer Yakenohara, P-RUFF and H. Takahashi, and the graphic movie director Osawa Yudai. Based on the concept "Constructing no one but someone's mental landscape", wander back and forth time and location freely using imagination, draw various types of affections and scenes through music such as Ambient, NewAge and Balearic.

They released the debut cassette SUNDAY VOID in July 2016 and 7inch AWA EP in November 2016, in February 2017 subtropics under the theme of subtropical regions and in December 2018 ASTRONAUTS under the theme of 20th century space business were released from Not Not Fun from L.A USA. subtropics was chosen as the pick up works by FACT Magazine from the UK. They played as a support act at GIGI MASIN's Japan tour who is the key person of the ambient revival. In April 2021, the long awaited 1st LP BISHINTAI will be released, which is ambient music for city dwellers and has the theme of unknown beauty of mind and body.


Tokyo-based new school ambient quartet made up of musicians Yakenohara, P-RUFF and H. Takahashi, and graphic and visual artist Yudai Osawa.


Not Not Fun Records


Bishintai (Not Not Fun) 2021


Born from a gathering to talk about Ambient and New Age music, the Japanese four-person ambient group merges mind-catching visual landscapes with soundscapes that eventually lead to a New Age revival.
