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Credit: Mathieu Arsenault

Seulement, the artistic endeavor of Mathieu Arsenault, explores the transformative potential of the human voice within the digital realm. Through his innovative approach, he captures snippets of his own voice, reconfiguring them into complex structures where the organic meets the synthetic. His debut album EX PO, released in 2021 under the Mothland label, is a testament to this method, blending experimental electronics with elements of traditional songwriting.
Arsenault's craft is akin to sculpting—meticulously shaping sounds to reveal new textures and dimensions. This process highlights his unique perspective on electronic music, where lyrical expressions are intertwined with structural experimentation. Beyond Seulement, his contributions to the rock band Technical Kidman and collaborations with filmmakers and dancers underscore his versatile engagement with both sound and visual arts.


Mathieu Arsenault is a multidisciplinary artist based in Montreal.




EX PO (2021)


According to Seulement, EX PO "explores the duality between how we are shaped by our environment and, in contrast, how we in turn can shape it."