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Sebastián VereaAR

Sebastián Verea<sup>AR</sup>
Sebastián Verea

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Sebastián Verea is a composer, producer and transdisciplinary artist. His work and his research focus on the intersection between musical and sound composition, science and technology. He has presented his works by him in exhibitions and halls in Buenos Aires, Berlin, Edinburgh, Mexico, and Italy. He directs the Expanded Music program at the School of Art and Heritage of the National University of San Martín.

He has composed more than twenty original works for dance and theater. His works and performances have been presented at festivals such as SONAR, MUTEK, + CODE, Electronic November, Edinburgh Science Festival and Deusthce Grammophon's Yellow Lounge. His international collaborations include such artists as the Bavarian Symphony Chamber Orchestra, soprano Nadja Michael, Avi Avital, and Sven Helbig.

His institutional collaborations include the Julliard School (Coordinator of the avatar creation team for Cracked Orlando), the Institut de Recherche et coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) in Paris (organizer of the IRCAM forum in Buenos Aires), GRAME (Lyon) and the Center for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance (C-EENRG) of the University of Cambridge (research project that led to the development of the Sounds of the Anthropocene installation).