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Born in Aichi, Japan, in 1987, Hiroki Okamoto received his M.F.A. from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences in 2013. He founded v0id, a design collective with members from diverse fields including architecture, photography, graphics, and programming. v0id’s activities span video production, installation exhibitions, interior design, fashion design, and more. Under the name scuy, Okamoto creates works inspired by his environment and surrounding space, blending audio and visual elements. He developed a unique expression in the SNS environment called #beatgraffiti, which extends graffiti art from physical public spaces to the contemporary realm of social media. Recently, Okamoto has been expanding his work into A/V live performances.

Upcoming performances

Tokyo 2024



Bringing installation artwork from a physical space into a video space can create a visual experience unique to video imagery. Hiroki Okamoto’s installation, 'Border', explores this transformation. Through his experiments, Okamoto aims to transcend and reconstruct existing boundaries, generating new values and perspectives.
