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Sammy Lee & M. J. HardingCA/KR/UK+UK

Sammy Lee & M. J. Harding<sup>CA/KR/UK+UK</sup>
Sammy Lee & M. J. Harding

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Sammy Lee is a Canadian-born Korean artist based in London whose practice arises from a desire to connect with the enduring themes of human existence, particularly the framing of bodies, technology and ritual. She focuses on collaborative, long-form, kaleidoscopic projects with a commitment to the unknown. Her work has spanned audiovisual artworks, CGI film, real-time simulation, and light installation, with a process that seeks to create complex visceral worlds that can be encountered across a range of formats—from the screen, to live immersive experiences, to site-specific architectural interventions.

M. J. Harding is a music producer and composer from London. His work has found its home in a variety of media.


Canadian-born Korean visual artist Sammy Lee and music producer M.J. Harding are both eclectic, multidisciplinary creators based in London.


No strangers to collaboration, Sammy Lee has worked with the London Contemporary Orchestra on performance installations exploring synesthesia, while M.J. Harding has created alongside writers and for theatre.
