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Ida Toninato & Claude Bastien (TREBUCHET)CA/QC

Ida Toninato & Claude Bastien (TREBUCHET)<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Ida Toninato & Claude Bastien (TREBUCHET)

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Based in Montréal, saxophonist and composer Ida Toninato develops her art through various projects combining acoustic explorations, the use of reverberating spaces and the creation of hybrid soundscapes. Her latest album, We Become Giants, was entirely composed in a water cistern providing 40 seconds of reverberation. Her recent explorations focused on virtual reality, in collaboration with Montréal studio TREBUCHET. Ida Toninato holds a doctorate in Musical Performance from Université de Montréal.

Seasoned director and producer Claude Bastien excels in both video creation and interactive media. Her joint passions for content, history, architecture, public art, humans and society led her to produce more than three webseries and to create interactive installations.

TREBUCHET is a video game studio specializing in virtual reality development. Founded in 2017, the studio has grown from three designers to over 20, produced two VR games for PlayStation and Steam is currently developing two new VR experiences thanks to financial support from the Canada Media Fund.


Saxophonist and composer Ida Toninato, in collaboration with director and producer Claude Bastien from Montréal VR studio TREBUCHET.


Ida Toninato recently composed an immersive electroacoustic piece titled Écouter les abysses as part of Cynthia Girard-Renard’s Sans toit ni loi exhibition, presented at Fonderie Darling.


In July 2021, Montréal studio TREBUCHET launched Winds & Leaves, a VR game where players attempt to grow vegetation in various barren biomes.
