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Gilles TarabiscuitéCA/QC)

Gilles Tarabiscuité<sup>CA/QC)</sup>
Gilles Tarabiscuité

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

In the age of artificial intelligence, Montréal artist Gilles Tarabiscuité explores the relationship between humans and digital technology. His main goal is to reshape works of art and to spatialize, in three dimensions, generated images normally created for 2D screens. In our contemporary context of sprawling digital technologies, he attempts new ways of creating connections and avenues between the material and immaterial, between the physical and digital. His work has notably been presented in Japan, in Germany (European Month of Photography, 2018), in Greece, (MonitorFest, 2018), in France (Geste Paris, 2019, alongside Andreas Gursky, Marina Abramovic and Joel-Peter Witkin, among others) and in the Netherlands (World Press Photo Exhibition Rotterdam and Rotterdam Photo Festival, 2020). He has also been featured in a number of renowned photography magazines and has received a number of awards, from Québec to Japan.


Montreal artist Gilles Tarabiscuité explores the relationship between human and machine in the contemporary context of digital technology and artificial intelligence.


With the somewhat ironic title Visions du monde numérique, the artist presents "pure" photographic works that have not been retouched or synthesized in 3D.


The artist accumulates degrees and fields of study, including a Doctorate in Art History, but always returns to his first love, photography, which he discovered at CEGEP.
