Gibrana Cervantes
<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Sometimes melodic, sometimes ferocious and heavy, and sometimes chaotic, Cervantes’ musical vocabulary encompasses a wide variety of sounds. Sometimes her instrument carries the atmospheric, doomy tenor of her band Vyctoria; sometimes she finds herself weaving ambient soundscapes as part of her work with Amor Muere, or adopting multiple styles in her own compositions as a solo artist. Her classical training and willingness to explore further make her one of the most original experimentalists in Latin America.
Now based in London, Gibrana released her solo album ¿Cómo pasan la eternidad? (Mexican Rarities, 2023), followed by Vortex Submarino (Aurora Records, 2024). She is currently working on a new album and continues her collaboration with acclaimed choreographer Florentina Holzinger, composing and performing in the opera SANCTA, which has dates scheduled through 2026.