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Elias Merino & Tadej DroljcSP + SL

Elias Merino & Tadej Droljc<sup>SP + SL</sup>
Elias Merino & Tadej Droljc

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

Based in Madrid, Elías Merino is a composer, sound artist and researcher whose projects encompass an eclectic range of different aesthetics, navigating between abstract algorithmic, experimental electronic and instrumental music. Holding a Master's degree in Sound Art and a PhD in Experimental Composition from the University of Huddersfield’s Centre for Research in New Music, Merino’s work explores temporal shifts in perspective, fractured narratives, immersive contemplation and states of bewilderment. Merino released albums on labels such as Room40, SUPERPANG and leerraum. He has performed at prestigious festivals and venues, namely the Philharmonie de Paris, Electric Spring Festival, Ensems, the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania and the National Museum of Fine Arts of Taiwan, and his work has been exhibited all over the world.

Tadej Droljc is a Slovenian artist and creative coder working at the intersection of sound, image and light. His remarquable doctoral research was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Award for outstanding thesis at the University of Huddersfield’s CeReNeM. Droljc performed and exhibited at a number of illustrious festivals such as Ars Electronica, Biennale Némo, L.E.V., Semibreve and Lunchmeat, and his work has namely been presented at events such as Inter BEE Tokyo, IBC Amsterdam and Cannes’ Marché du film.


Spanish researcher, composer and sound artist Elías Merino, in collaboration with Slovenian interdisciplinary artist, creative coder and researcher Tadej Droljc.




SYNSPECIES was born from repeated conceptual discussions regarding digital art paradigms and the narrative exploration of virtual audiovisual structures between two doctoral researchers from the CeReNeM.