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Centre de recherche TAG (Technoculture, Art and Games)BR/QC+CA/QC

Centre de recherche TAG (Technoculture, Art and Games)<sup>BR/QC+CA/QC</sup>
Centre de recherche TAG (Technoculture, Art and Games)

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Dr. Rilla Khaled is an Associate Professor at Concordia University and Director of its Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) Research Centre. She works with design, games, and HCI, and focuses on interactive technologies to improve the human condition.

Enric Llagostera is a game maker and researcher from São Paulo, Brazil who engages with unconventional, anti-capitalist ways of making and circulating games. His PhD research questions what is alternative about alternative game controllers.

Dr. Jess Rowan Marcotte designs, writes and thinks about interactive experiences from a queer, intersectional point of view. They co-founded the Soft Chaos Cooperative and lead the Queerness and Games conference (QGCon). Their doctorate is in interaction design, from Concordia University.

Steven Sych is a Master’s in Design (MDes) student. His work places the technological-quotidian realities of 2021 into surprising contexts and configurations, and aims to open up pathways for meaningfully re-approaching the role of the digital in our everyday lives.