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Abdul Lateef & The Distraction MachineCA/QC

Abdul Lateef & The Distraction Machine<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Abdul Lateef & The Distraction Machine

<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>

© Benoit Vermette

Abdul Lateef aka The Distractor is a multidisciplinary artist based in Montréal. Throughout the years, he has created various bike-based 'cyclepunk' works around a zombie apocalypse-plagued universe called Z’Isle. This started with the eponymous comic book series, followed by Abdul Lateef and the Distraction Machine: A Celebration of Life, a live musical theatre performance exploring the mythology and history of Z’Isle, Distraction Machine, a music-based video game set in the world of Z'Isle- launching this summer, and now Music For The Apocalypse, his latest creation.
In 2020, Abdul Lateef took part in the CTM Festival, an experimental music and art festival in Berlin, Germany. In their MusicMakers Hacklab, he participated in Shapeshifters, an international collaborative project involving 23 artists, presenting works based on exploring a week’s worth of sonic sculpture, coded movement and hypnotic visuals. The next iteration of Z'Isle's sprawling universe is a new production which will include an interactive art installation of Distraction Machine and a new musical theatre performance, inviting the audience to join in, with over 200 cyclepunk instruments.


Abdul Lateef aka The Distractor is a Montréal-based “multidisciplinary Cyclepunk Warrior Bard”.


Music for the Apocalypse (2023)


The “Distraction Machine” video game features a sprawling narrative in Chronicle Mode and a unique musical sequencer in Conductor Mode.