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Barcelona, March 04, 2021
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Un año desde aquella memorable 11ª edición de MUTEKES

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Exactly one year ago, we kicked off an edition of MUTEKES that was marked in our memories, among other things for being the last festival we could celebrate all together for a long time. At that time, we were not yet aware of what was to come a few weeks later. We were lucky and enjoyed every moment during those first days of March 2020.

In the 11th edition of the MUTEK Barcelona festival, we presented a total of 41 artists of 16 nationalities and 35 speakers, all of them actively participating in the various professional activities and the first edition of MUTEK ES Simposio. An edition that stood out for presenting 7 world premieres and 15 debuts in the city at the exhibition level, as well as for promoting multiple spaces for reflection and debate, fostering professional networking, creating synergies with the main university centers of creativity and design in Barcelona and, above all, interconnecting a large number of institutions and projects, sharing values and working together, to add up and be the engine of a real and plausible change.

It was also the year of the consolidation of Casa MUTEK x Reebok, which hosted the festival and hosted, already in February, the #WeAreEquals Music Academy, a British Council platform for gender equality and diversity in the music industry.

A few days after the festival, and after a closing that thrilled us all, we learned about the strict measures that would have to be taken globally to try to curb the pandemic. You know the rest of the story.


From that moment on, we have not stopped working on the search for alternatives: ideas that, at first, sounded as surreal as the very confinement we were suffering, but that, little by little, were consolidated and adapted to the famous "new normal". The 2020 allowed us to experiment, learn and discover in a dreamlike lapse that marked our lives forever.

After all these experiences, we are very happy to announce that, in May, we will once again enjoy live shows, audiovisual experiences and the music that has allowed us to build so many bridges.

The first tickets for these events are already on sale. They are the traditional BLIND PASSPORTS, passes that give access to all the shows that will take place in Barcelona from May 3 to 9 as part of the 12th edition of MUTEK Barcelona. An access that will also be extended to all the contents available at

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Undoubtedly, 2021 will be a special edition, in which the added value of interconnectivity will shine more than ever. We will present a program at the height of what we have experienced these past 12 months, thus consolidating our main mandate: to promote and make visible artistic communities.

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* All events will have a very limited capacity, in order to comply with health measures and safety restrictions for the general public, as well as for the artists and staff present in all performances.

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